emmanuel moore
No Order Magazine talks with the artist.
Emmanuel Moore is an Australian Artist based in Brisbane, Queensland. His artworks depict the natural, the manufactured, and the spiritual through iconography and landscape illustrations. The works are produced using acrylic, aerosol, and house paint. After spending a period of time studying visual art, he has since gone on to create murals and exhibit throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Introduce yourself and tell us how did your career began?
I’m a mural and canvas painter living and working in Brisbane. My work is basically illustrations of things I like to paint, such as plants and random things created during the industrial revolution. In terms of how my career began, I went from skateboarding, to graffiti, then to art. It was kind of an evolution of trying to better myself while doing something I love. People and friends around me were also painting a lot so that inspired me as well.
What does 'art' mean to you? Is it personal?
It can be a moment in someone’s life, music, a painting, a person - anything really. It’s all perspective. I try to make it personal, otherwise it just ends up being design work for someone else’s ideas.

Albert Gein, 2021

Mural, Gold Coast, 2022

Do you have any advice for artists navigating the digital world and how does it impact your work?​​​
When it comes to promoting art digitally, I think just be honest with yourself. Try to use it as a portfolio or a way to communicate your art. The digital world is only a part of the real world, so use it as a tool. The influence is mostly positive for me. It’s like an endless variety of inspiration. Before that it was magazines, so any kind of publication showcasing new work is good.
What is something you wish you knew at the beginning of your career that you know now?
Make sure you’re creating art because you’re passionate about it, not solely for an income. Art should be kept pure, it holds way more power than if it’s just work. Create as hard as you can. Be able to look back and be happy that you did everything you wanted to do.​​​​​​​
Read the full interview in Issue 02
Published: 4th November 2022
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