No Order Magazine talks with the artist.
My name is Mark and I am an artist currently working in Brisbane.
How did your career begin?

I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, 1995 grade 3 is the earliest memory of making art so on and off since then.

What does art mean to you? Is it personal?
Art, I guess, is my default setting. It's what I do - its how my brain works. It's sometimes personal but sometimes I just want to paint something for the hell of it.

Image courtesy of the artist.

Are there any significant life experiences that changed the way you navigate your creativity?
Design school really made a lot of things I was already thinking about make sense. Design fundamentals, typography, print and design problem solving are all things I still use today and probably will for the rest of my life
Read the full interview in Issue 03
Published: 16th September 2023
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